Sonntag, 20. Juli 2014


Hello lovelies,
Do you ever say things like "This summer I want to ... " or  "I can't wait to do ... when it's warmer" and then end up not doing these things and just hang out inside all summer? Yep, so do I.
I first saw this tag or whatever you want to call it on Alfie Deyes youtube channel "Pointless Blog". I thought it was a really lovely idea to write down what you want to do and then put pictures next to it or write down the memory when you have done it. So I hope having this list in my little notebook will remind to to do some amazing things this summer. And at the end of summer I will have great memories to look back on.
1. Go climb. (either outside or with my friends who actually go climbing inside every week)
2. Take a walk by the Rhein (german river).
3. Create a summer music playlist

4. Go on a picnic. Because eating outside is just the best thing in summer.
5. Go to the park with friends and play games, like volleyball or frisbee.
6. Try something new, maybe a new ice-cream flavour? (Exciting, isn't it? :D)
7. DIY some decorations for my room (I'm moving soon)
8. Go to Das Fest (a music festival where I live)
 9. Organize a moving-in party
10. Learn skatboarding. 
11.Go to the park alone and read. 
12. Visit my sister. 
13. Read more. 

14. Make smoothies with my mum.
15. Go hike. 
16. Watch a movie at the outdoor cinema. 
17. Swim in a lake
18. Daytrip to France
19. Bake a cake
20. Have a waterfight with friends. 
21. Do photography challenges
22. Visit a new place. 
23. Dye my hair a crazy colour
24. Dance. 
25. DIY clothes
Some of these things may not seem to be overly amazing or exciting but I am a big believer that doing small things you enjoy makes you a happier person. As I'm still in uni, I severly lack time to go outside and enjoy the nature so I look forward to spending a lot more time outside.
Fun and Happiness is not always about spending a lot of money or having a big adrenaline rush, is it? 
Tell me in the comments what you want to do this summer or what budget-friendly activities you can suggest!

5 Kommentare:

  1. Hey Jess,
    vielen Dank für deinen Kommentar auf unserem Blog zum Schottland-Post. Jinx ist gerade schon wieder in Urlaub, aber ich kann dir stellvertretend sagen, dass Teil 3 der Schottland-Reise irgendwann nächste Woche als Post rausgeht. Da gibt es dann auch Bilder vom Ben Nevis...(sie war auch oben). Da kannst du dann auch in Erinnerungen schwelgen ;-) Ach ja, zu den Dingen, die man im Sommer machen kann, fällt mir sonst auch nichts mehr ein - ein Picknick direkt an einem Fluss oder Bach wäre cool, oder? Im Bach könnte man sie dann gleich die Füsse kühlen...

    Liebe Grüße
    Petra (Jinx' Mom)

  2. Hi!
    sehr lustig, dass ich vor ein paar Stunden zu einem ähnlichen Thema einen Blogpost geschrieben habe :)
    Aber du hast sehr gute Ideen, und 11, 16 und 20 würde ich echt gerne machen diesen Sommer.
    Ich würde mich auf einen Besuch von dir sehr freuen und grüße ganz herzlich


    1. Hi :) Danke für deinen Kommentar! Ich habe grade deinen Post angeschaut, ich kann gar nicht glauben dass ich die Blumenkränze vergessen habe :D Die sind vorallem auf Festivals super :)
      Liebe Grüße

  3. Hanging out inside all summer? That sadly sounds a lot like me. I’ve been meaning to ride my bicyle or go for a walk, but so far, the heat’s just been too overwhelming to do so and I’ve ended up stuck on the terrace of our garden, reading books. Exciting.
    Also, smoothies, yum! Something I love about summer is that you could be fine just eating watermelons all day and drinking smoothies.

    I actually might move to Karlsruhe for uni soon, is there anything else going on except for Das Fest? ^^

    1. Hey Lina :) Thanks for your comment and sorry for taking so long to answer.
      Yeah, I can't really cope with extreme heat either so I just end up sitting somewhere trying not to move and sipping cool drinks. Watermelons are the best in summer.
      But now sadly it's really cold around here. ;( I would suggest just going outside to a park or something there is always something cool going on around here. We also have a cinema outside during the summer months. I wanted to go see the Hobbit again and have a picknick there but it was raining :(

      My sister went to uni in Karlsruhe! What are you going to study?

