Freitag, 18. Juli 2014


Hello Stranger, I'm Jess. And this is my blog WANDERLOST.

Reading this you might stumble upon spelling and grammar mistakes. Please do excuse this, 'cause I am german. Why am I blogging in english then? Because after years of mostly reading english books, I find that I can stort out my crazy chaos of thoughts better in english. And making up words is easier: Like... awkwarding. The word awkward seems to have been invented to describe me. I'm awkward to a can't-look-at-people-while-talking-to-them point. I also charm people with inappropriate sarcasm and geeky refernces that no one gets.. And a lot of talk about the zombie apocaplyse.

I do like fashion and beauty, but I want this blog to be more than that. I want to talk about my everyday life, what I think of, what inspires me and what I struggle with. And about finding happiness in this crazy world. Come to the dark side and join me for an epic adventure involving dwarves, dragons, brownies and kittens.

5 Kommentare:

  1. have fun at blogging!
    also have a look at our blog.
    greetings ♥♥

  2. Das klingt doch sympathisch - und vor allem vielversprechend :) And just fuck off spelling and grammar mistakes. Nobody's perfect. The only thing which matters is, that it's real. And I guess you will be very really. Or better said - hope. Really hope (;

    Liebe Grüße und tut mir leid für das Mischmasch,

    1. Immer her mit dem Mischmasch! :D Und vielen Dank für deinen lieben Kommentar :))
      ich hab auch mal kurz auf deinem (oder besser gesagt eurem ^^) Blog vorbei geschaut und war echt begeistert. Vorallem der "gettingonournerves" Teil; ihr sprecht mir wirklich aus dem Herzen :D

      Liebe Grüße


  3. Willkommen in der Blogger-Community! ^^ Bin sehr gespannt auf deine kommenden Inhalte! :)
    Hast eine Leserin mehr ;)

    Liebste Grüße

  4. eine super einführung :) freu mich auf mehr <3
