Donnerstag, 21. August 2014


Hasn't this been a good start to blogging? Writing about 3 Posts and then just disappearing for nearly a month? Well done, Jess, well done. *imagine me slow clapping here*

I am sorry guys. The last weeks have just been crazy and I don't have enough blogging experience yet to just deal with this. The real life has been creeping up on me lately:  Exams, work, moving and a wedding hundreds so kilometers away.

This is not the really cool blogpost I was planning to write. My friend Mira Lazybone (do check her out please, she is super-amazing) wrote a great blog post about not wanting to be perfect on her blog. Because she isn't. Because no one is. And acting like we are will make no one happy.
Trying to be perfect would kill this blog. I won't always be able to write a totally awesome text that will blow your mind away. I won't always be able to take a nicely composed picture in which I look like Kate Moss.
I still have a lot of stuff to do for uni and work, but hopefully I will be back on track with blogging soon.
The weather here has been quite shitty lately. A couple of days ago I went to Primark to buy fuzzy and cosy socks because it was so cold.
How are you enjoying the last days of summer? On saturday my boyfriend and I will have a nice day-trip to Straßbourgh (remember my "25 things to do this summer"?). Look forward for some nice pictures and a haul :)
Don't forget to be awesome, lovelies!

And, in my opinion, that's okay. This blog is supposed to be about my life and if my life consists of working and studying and not doing my makeup, not washing my hair and just leaving on my PJs all day that's what I will write about.

But last monday was a wonderful day. The sun came out again and I had a lovely day with my sister eating loads and drinking coffee in the park. Hopefully we will get a couple more sunny days this summer ... but I am already getting into the autumn spirit as well. :)

1 Kommentar:

  1. I love your photos, can't wait to see more :)
    Enjoy your Sunday,
