Mittwoch, 3. September 2014


Slightly too big picture? Well at least you can now appreciate how effing big that thing is. Does anyone know whether that second tower is missing because of bombs during WW2? 

Not too long ago my boyfriend, me and a friend of his went to Straßbourgh for the day. It is just about an hours drive away by car from where we live. The weather was just fucking shitty that day, so mostly I had to keep my camera in it's bag (which I clutched to myself like a manic the entire trip, because I was afraid of thieves, haha).

Straßbourgh is really one of the cutest cities I have ever been. It reminded me a lot of Paris, but it has even more small roads with the sweetest tiny restaurants everywhere.
But I have sworn myself to at least learn a bit of French before going back there. A lot of people there speak german really well, but I could feel that a lot of them were a bit reluctant to speak german (or english) and I just felt so rude, because I had to say "I don't speak french, sorry" over and over again ... So I'll probably do a little course on the internet soon and then I can do all my Christmas shopping there. There I said it: CHRISTMAS! Has anyone else noticed that there already is Christmas food in the stores? Crazy.
But I'm already getting into the autumn mood because it has been really cold and rainy here. Hopefully I'm going to do an end of summer/autumn OOTD soon. 'Cause I've noticed that you have never really seen my face on here. Oh well.

2 Kommentare:

  1. Nach Straßburg will ich auch unbedingt mal! Jeder sagt, dass es dort so schön ist. Aber ich habe es bis jetzt noch nicht hingeschafft...

    Bei mir läuft gerade ein Gewinnspiel, würde mich freuen, wenn du mal vorbeischaust :)

  2. Ich kann es wirklich nur empfehlen dort mal einen schönen Tag zu verbringen. :) Tolle Sachen hast du da bei deinem Gewinnspiel zusammen gestellt, da mach ich doch gleich mal mit :-P Und Herzlichen Glückwunsch zum Bloggeburtstag! :)
