Montag, 29. September 2014


Tomorrow is the last day of September, so in my head it is officially autumn now. Whereas everyone around here is happily enjoying the fact that it is still 20 degress I am really impatient for the colder weather to start. 

Goodbye, summer! 

A couple of weeks back I posted my list of 25 thing I wanted to do this summer, so I thought I'd share my summer memories with you all and tell you about all the things I'm excited to do this autumn. 

As the weather this summer has not been as good as last year I couldn't do a lot of things on my list, like going swimming, hiking, have loads of picnics or see a movie in a outdoor cinema. Oh well, maybe next year. 

Regardless of the rainy weather I made a summer playlist, my most loved songs are: 
1. Riptide by Vance Joy
2. Changes Mix by Faul & Wad, Pnau
3. You're not the one Cid Rim Remix by Sky Ferreira

I also went to the festival that always takes place in my town (Das Fest) and saw a band I loved when I was younger (Madsen) and a lot of other bands. I had the best time here and realy enjoyed just letting go and dancing all my problems off. 

Another thing on my list was: Trying something new. I tried baking nut rolls, which turned out ugly but yummy. :D

My sister and I could not find time for me to visit her (though she came by a lot), but we will see each other in Paris at the end of October, which I am sooo excited for. I love Paris so much and can't wait to see it again. 

Hello, autumn! 

For autumn I did not write a list of things I want to do. For me, autumn is the season of cozy days on the sofa, cuddled up beneath a soft blanked which your favourite TV show on. It is the season of chilly walks outside which a comfy sweater  and a scarf. It is the season of hot drinks, of cinnamon and apples, of listening to the storms outside with a book in your lap. Beauty-wise it is the season of dark lipsticks and smoky eyes. 

I love autumn. Tell me what you did this summer and what you are looking forward in autumn! 


Morgen ist der letzte Tag im September, für mich ist jetzt also offiziell Herbst. Während hier alle anderen es genießen, dass gerade noch 20 Grade sind, warte ich schon ganz ungeduldig darauf, dass das kalte Wetter endlich anfängt

Tschüss, Sommer! 

Vor einigen Wochen habe ich eine Liste mit 25 Dingen gepostet, die ich diesen Sommer machen will. Also dachte ich ich teile heute meine Sommer-Erinnerungen mit euch und erzähle euch von all den Sachen, auf die ich mich im Herbst freue. 

Da das Wetter diesen Sommer nicht sehr gut war, konnte ich viele Sachen auf meiner Liste leider nicht tun,wie zum Beispiel zum Baggersee fahren oder wandern. 

Trotzdem habe ich eine Playlist mit meiner Lieblingsmusik diesen Sommer erstellt. Hier sind meine 3 Lieblingslieder: 
1. Riptide von Vance Joy
2. Changes Mix von  Faul & Wad, Pnau
3. You're not the one Cid Rim Remix von Sky Ferreira

Außerdem bin ich zu DAS FEST in Karlsruhe gegangen, habe dort Madsen (meine Lieblingsband als ich 13 war) und Parice gesehen und hatte einfach einen tollen Abend und hab mir einfach mal wieder den Frust von der Seele getanzt. Weil das muss man mit Frust und Stress machen. Wegtanzen. 

Da ich ja auch eine neue Sache ausprobieren wollte, habe ich ich Nussschnecken gebacken. Die sind zwar nicht schön geworden, aber lecker waren sie. 

Ich konnte zwar leider meine Schwester nicht besuchen, aber dafür war sie oft bei mir und Ende Oktober treffen wir uns in Paris ... ich bin schon total aufgeregt. Ich liebe Paris. 

Hallo Herbst!

Für den Herbst habe ich mir keine List geschrieben, was ich alles machen will. Denn für mich ist der Herbst die Jahreszeit der kuschligen Tage auf dem Sofa, der Fernsehserien, warem Pullis und Schals. Der heißen Getränken und des Zimts. Und, was beauty angeht, die Zeitd der dunklen Lippenstifte und Smokey Eyes. 

Lots of love, 

Dienstag, 16. September 2014


Why so serious? - Hardly any makeup on

This post comes a bit late, as it is already the middle of September, but nonetheless I wanted to start this series as a way of changing my life for the better little by little. I am in general happy at where I am in my life, but I often get down about things and get stressed easily. So every month I want to share 3-4 goals that I set myself for this month. Each monday I will try to give you an update in my "Monday Moods", another new segment to share some thoughts on the previous week and an update on my goals.

Feel free to participate and tell me your goals in the comments or send me links to your blogposts. :)
For the last two weeks of September my goals are:

1) Get up earlier and get started sooner

I have a lot of studying and working (from home) to do right now, so I really need to get my ass up and working before 12pm for a start. I'm usually not bad at getting up early, but the getting started part is a real struggle. And obviously procrastinating resoluts in stress, which I really want to avoid.

2) Use my camera more often

My fancy camera spends most of its time on a shelf, but I want to try to create mor occasions to use it. Since I've started uni, I found very little time for hobbies and I usally spent my free time on the internet or with friends, which is nice, but I would like to have something I do apart from studying and working, Maybe I can try out some sort of photography challenge or something. Tell me if you have some ideas!

3) Make my new room more homely

As you may know I have moved recently and even though I have most of the furniture I want (apart from a new couch) I still don't feel quite at home, which is due to a lack of decoration I think. So I will try to pick up some cute stuff from the shops or try out some DIYs. Expect some autumnal home post soon :-P

What are your plans for autumn? Tell me below!

#selfie-time #blackandwhite #vintage #duckface #irony 

Mittwoch, 3. September 2014


Slightly too big picture? Well at least you can now appreciate how effing big that thing is. Does anyone know whether that second tower is missing because of bombs during WW2? 

Not too long ago my boyfriend, me and a friend of his went to Straßbourgh for the day. It is just about an hours drive away by car from where we live. The weather was just fucking shitty that day, so mostly I had to keep my camera in it's bag (which I clutched to myself like a manic the entire trip, because I was afraid of thieves, haha).

Straßbourgh is really one of the cutest cities I have ever been. It reminded me a lot of Paris, but it has even more small roads with the sweetest tiny restaurants everywhere.
But I have sworn myself to at least learn a bit of French before going back there. A lot of people there speak german really well, but I could feel that a lot of them were a bit reluctant to speak german (or english) and I just felt so rude, because I had to say "I don't speak french, sorry" over and over again ... So I'll probably do a little course on the internet soon and then I can do all my Christmas shopping there. There I said it: CHRISTMAS! Has anyone else noticed that there already is Christmas food in the stores? Crazy.
But I'm already getting into the autumn mood because it has been really cold and rainy here. Hopefully I'm going to do an end of summer/autumn OOTD soon. 'Cause I've noticed that you have never really seen my face on here. Oh well.